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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

One CRAZY Day!!

I've always heard that "bad things usually come in three's" but what I didn't know is that the Colts losing the Superbowl was the Number 1 of 3. A few weeks ago, I was summoned for jury duty. I was to be at the Hamilton County Courthouse at 12 noon yesterday. I left my house about 11:45 and once I finally found the specific parking lot and a spot and then trudged through a foot of snow, I arrived at my destination a little past noon. Thank goodness I wasn't there any earlier because the 61 of us potential jurors (12 people make up a jury mind you) sat in a waiting room for 2 1/2 hours before things got started. Then to make a very long and boring story short, most of us had to have individual interviews in the courtroom with the Judge and Attorneys from both sides and then we all got interviewed again as a group in the jury box. I was one of 33 jurors left and I finally discharged from the case at 8 pm and could go home. The only food and drink they served during that whole time was cookies, pretzels, and water!!

Since I came home so late I parked John's car in the driveway as to not wake up Kylee with Oliver's barking. I was playing with Chad inside while John wheeled the trashcans out to the end of the driveway. I saw I had two missed calls from I called him back in which he told me "my car is all smashed in and the police are on there way." I thought he was just joking until I went outside and saw the damage to the car, a metal "slow" sign down and tire tracks going across our front yard missing our big tree by about 2 feet, and a trailblazer parked across the street. How crazy is that? John said the kid driving looked about 17. John asked him where he was going and he replied "driving down 131st Street and hit an icepatch." The kid claims he wasn't going very fast but tell me how you can knock down a metal post and sign, drive through about 7 inches of snow all the way up our front lawn, across our driveway, and cause $2,250 damage to our car? Police report was filed, we got the estimate done today, and hopefully the other insurance company will handle everything. What an ordeal!!! I'm sure glad that day is over!!

Damage to John's car while parked in our driveway
The hit made the wheels turn left
Tire tracks and metal sign through front yard

Stop sign on 131st Street. Granted we're the first house in
the addition but how do you go from driving down that road
and end up hitting a car parked at the top of a driveway?