Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 22, 2010

Long Kids Update

Kylee turned 9 months a little over a week ago. She weighs 18 lbs 4 oz (50th percentile) and is 28 inches long (75th percentile). She is as active, mobile, and curious as ever!! She still does the army crawl thing instead of the traditional crawling method but it doesn't seem to slow her down one bit. She can go from laying to sitting, pulling herself up to standing, and walks around the furniture while holding on. She finally cut her first tooth which explains why she has been so fussy lately. She also LOVES table food!! She eats everything from lunchmeat, cheese and crackers to spaghettios, lasagna, and grilled cheese. We're hoping she is as good of an eater as her brother! Hanging out in her crib teething on her fingers

Seriously Mom? You're making me wear this hat!!
It doesn't even match my shirt!!

Tried swinging for the first time and had a BLAST!!
Laughed outloud the whole time:)

Now for an update on Chad...About a month and a half ago I noticed that his thumb on his left hand could not stretch out all the way. I tried to bend it backwards but it just wouldn't budge. He said it didn't hurt so I waited until Kylee's 9 month check-up to have his pediatrician look at it. We discovered he has "trigger thumb." There's a big explanation for it but to put it simply, the tendon in his thumb cannot fit through a certain "tunnel," therefore preventing it to stretch all the way out. We were referred to a specialty hand doctor and had an appt today. Both the physian and his assistant diagnosed Chad with "trigger thumb" and recommended a simple outpatient surgery to correct it. Since it requires him to have a small incision with a few stitches that cannot get wet for 2-3 weeks, we are going to hold off on the surgery until fall.
Here's Chad attempting to give "thumbs up." Apparently we must not be "thumbs up" kinda people because he had no idea what he was doing at first. Notice the thumb on his left hand is bent at an angle (his trigger thumb). Not fingers up goof...thumbs up!!!
Chad's good thumb up... Whew..finally! Two thumbs up!!

Just thought I would add a photo of one of the many talents Chad is blessed! And, we didn't even show him how to do it. We were all eating dinner and then out of nowhere, Chad turned his head and this is what we saw. I think we've got ourselves a class clown!