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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Good Times on a Cloudy Day

Kylee rolled from her back to her belly a couple weekends ago but has not done it since. And John and I both missed it because I was sleeping from working the night before and John was in the kitchen fixing Chad a snack. I'm sure this won't be the last time we miss one of her "firsts" because we're busy with Chad. Although a few days ago she rolled from her belly to her back several times while I was watching. I think she's going to be quite the little mover:)
How sweet! Chad was actually acknowledging that he
has a sister and she may want to see what he's playing with.
(his newest "Ki Ki Meow Meow"-not sure why he calls it that)
Kylee looks a little scared here
So precious!!! Even if they're not looking at the camera
Chad always makes Kylee smile
Cute pic of Kylee but what's with Chad's big toe in the corner?
There's that smile and drool:)Chad grabbed the camera and took a pic of himself
And then of Kylee and I (and it actually turned out pretty good)