Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kylee is 4 Months Old

I can't believe it has already been 4 months since we welcomed little Kylee Alexis into this world. And a year ago yesterday that we found out I was pregnant. Whew...where does the time go? Kylee is changing and growing everyday. She is a pro at rolling from her back to belly now. So much in fact, that everytime we put her down on her playmat, she almost immediately rolls over, entertains herself for a little bit, then starts fussing because now she is stuck on her belly (even though she has rolled from belly to back before). Kylee can also sit in the Bumbo chair and plays in the exersaucer and rainforest jumperoo. We started feeding her rice cereal about 2 weeks ago and somedays she really loves it, and other days, not so much. I'm sure this is very normal for her age, its just very different from how her brother was. I swear Chad came out wanting to eat steak and potatoes!

Kylee lying in her crib

I have to again thank one of my coworkers who gave me a ton
of her daughter's clothes, one of which was this adorable sweatshirt!