Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

2 Month Update

Today, Kylee had her 2 month check-up. She weighed 12 lbs 4 oz and was 23 1/8 inches long. Both John and I went to the appt and somehow thought we heard different percentiles. I believe she is in the 75th% for height and 90th% for weight but it could be the other way around. She received 4 vaccines, one oral and 3 shots...which I hate. Luckily, it was time for her to eat afterwards so she only had the screaming red face for a moment and then in with the bottle. Eating always makes me feel better too:) For this update I thought I would add some accomplishments both kiddos have made recently:

1. Smiles all the time....her nickname is Smiley Kylee
2. Makes cooing noises
3. Follows noises and voices (especially Chad...she's fascinated with him)
4. Bats at toys but doesn't grab on to them yet
5. Lifts head off our shoulders but not a big fan on tummy time
6. Usually sleeps from 10pm to 5am give or take (slept until 7am this morning..woohoo)
7. Loves being held and talked to

Kylee in her 2 month pose

1. Will eat in a booster seat instead of a highchair at home
2. Talks all the time and can pretty much say anything although he can't say "L's" "F's" or "R's"so he puts different sounds in those words. For example, he always says "p" for "f" so its "pish, powers, pix, and poggies" for "fish, flowers, fix, and froggies. He says "waw" and "weed" for draw and read; "ky-ee" for kylee; "pank-to0" for thank you; and "i want to" for i love you.
3. Getting better at going to sleep at night and sleeping through the night. We started a "bedtime sticker chart" and when he sleeps through the night he gets to put a sticker on it and at the end of the week if he sleeps all night, he will get to pick out a toy or book of some kind. He still cries for about 10-15 minutes after John leaves the room but so far (2 nights) he has slept through the night.
4. Throws a great tantrum by falling to the floor and kicks and screams if doesn't get what he wants.
5. Loves to play with monster trucks, dirt, anything that has to do with water and the outdoors, and kicking and throwing balls
6. Gives the best hugs and kisses his mommy and daddy could ever imagine!