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Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Day at the Beach....I mean Pumpkin Patch!

Last weekend a lot of us girls from work and our kids got together at Waterman's Farm and Pumpkin Patch. Had we known this particular day in October would have been about 90 degrees when we planned this event about a month ago, we may have decided to meet at the pool. But despite the heat, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Chad had fun climbing in the haystacks, playing with the "play" bulldozers and dumptrucks in the sandpit, and walking through the pumpkin patch.

Bulldozin' takes a lot of concentration

For a job well done!

"This way to the pumpkin patch"

Kayleigh must be telling the little ones something important!

A sea of pink....and one red

Monyae and Makayah maybe showing Chad how to pet the cow? Chad's learning at a young age to listen to women because more than likely they'll always be right. Hehe!


The Cole Girls said...

It's good that he's learning now he will make some woman happier later in life. We should start teaching boys at birth that women are always right, it would end so many pointless arguments!!!