Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Playtime with the Cousins!

This morning Chad and I went to my parents' house (MeMe and PaPaw's) to have a big breakfast with them and my brother Josh, sister-in-law Mandy, and their kids Jacob (3 yrs) and Avrey (9 mos.). But the fun didn't get started until we took the gang outside. They played in the pool, ran through the sprinkler ball, and sprayed everyone with the hose (which is Chad's most favorite thing to do!) And a hot day like today isn't complete without popsicles!


Gehring Family Website said...

Those pictures are great! I love the one with Chad and Jacob putting the stuff in the pool. Too bad we didn't have a picture of how wet Me-Me got when Chad and Jacob turned the hose on her.