Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Family Gathering

Yesterday, my Aunt Tina, Grandma Connie (my mom's mom), and her husband Vern came to visit us and see Kylee for the first time. My brother and his family also came over. It was so great having everyone together! We talked, laughed, played cornhole, and grilled out. I wish we could all see each other more often. Love you all!
Four Generations: My mom, grandma, kylee, & me
My Grandma Connie and Kylee
Vern & Kylee
My grandparents having fun playing cornhole
My mom and Kylee

First time at Monkey Joe's

On Tuesday, we met up with some of my girlfriends from work and their kiddos at Monkey Joe's. I had never been there or to any of the Bounce Zone/Bouncer Town places before. Chad was a little hesitant at first but once the other kids showed him the way, he was eager to follow. We had a blast and can't wait to do it again soon!

Chad on one of the slides
Chad bouncing on the crocodile

Charlotte, Chad, & Averi
Crazy kids Chad & Emma Kate and Ashley in the background
Lil Miss Ashley sitting pretty

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kylee's 1 Month Old

So here's my little story about this 1 month picture deal. With Chad, I took pictures all the time and never had a true "month old" picture sitting place and pose. However, now that I have Kylee I wanted to take her "month old" pics in the rocking chair in her room next to a stuffed animal. I've seen this done many times before and think its adorable, especially when there is a stuffed animal or something next to the child to see how much he or she has grown over time. Well, July 18th rolled around and do you think I had anything to sit Kylee next to? No. Plus, it happened to be a new record on the coldest day in July (it actually was) so I really didn't want to have her 1 month picture in long sleeves and pants. But I had to take a picture of her on her true 1 month "birthday" and intended to take another "pose shot" another day. So on Thursday, I finally decided to go ahead and take the 1 month picture even though I haven't had the time to get a stuffed animal to sit her next to. I ended up using her puppy dog blankie embossed with her name and date of birth...which actually worked out just fine. I can't believe Kylee is already over a month old. Time flies and she's getting big so fast!

Kylee at one month

The "1 month old" shot (actually one month, 5 days)Next to her puppy dog blankie
I think she looks like a little baby doll
Couldn't go without a picture of Chad fixing something

My friend Michelle visited last Sunday from Ohio

Monday, July 13, 2009


Here are some recent pics of Chad and Kylee enjoying the summer. Kylee is still a little too young to really "play," but Chad likes to show her how her little toys work.

Chad loves squirt guns (and trying to squirt the camera)

Put 'em up, put 'em up!


Chad is showing sister how to play


In deep thought.......
Must be having a good dream: )

We think she can already smile

Chad would rather play with the hose than swim in the pool at Me Me and PaPaw's house

Watering (or flooding) PaPaw Ken's new grass

Caught Kylee sucking her cute!

Getting ready for a bath

Another Visit with Great Grandma Long

Last Monday, John's Grandma Mary came over to our house for one last visit before heading back to her home in Florida. We enjoyed take out from KFC and blueberry pie with icecream for dessert (of course I just had icecream because who wants fruit for a dessert?...hehe).

Stretch and grow
Chad trying blueberry pie for the first time and LOVIN' it

Thumbs up dude!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July 2009

Yesterday, we loaded up the kids and took a day trip to John's Grandma's house on Dewart Lake in northern Indiana. It sprinkled off and on all day and was too chilly for any swimming or boating, but we had a great time hanging out with all of John's family and some of their friends. Chad had a great time fishing with his Papaw Bill off the dock. He was so excited when they finally caught a little one, but didn't want to touch it to throw it back in the water. Kylee did wonderful! She has been such a good baby so far. She never cried while there...just ate, slept, and was passed from person to person. Both Chad and Kylee slept for the 2 1/2 hour ride there and back and slept in this morning...yeah!!

Alright!! You caught one!!

Chad having fun with the flashlight

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Kylee: Almost 2 weeks

I think Kylee has already changed. Her face is a little more filled out now and she doesn't look quite as much like Chad as she did right after she was born. She went to her 2 week check-up with Dr. Harper on Wednesday. She weighed 9 lbs (95%); was 20 inches long (75%), and her head measured in the 25%. (Small heads must run in the family-Chad is the same way.)

She must have really been balled up for 9 months because she tends to keep her legs crossed up like this a lot

In the swing again....see the trend
Chad with his sleeping favorites: Two blankies and his "Kitty" (from the zoo)